Where Can I Buy HGH Canada?

Growth hormone and growth factors are both powerful signaling proteins that travel through the blood and lymph system. Together they specifically improve organs and metabolism. HGH Velvet is the only product on the market that offers the ability to substantially increase HGH and growth factors. Why Traditional Medicine Struggles with Alternative Human Growth Hormone Therapies Doctor prescribed drugs are the 6th most common cause of death in the United States.

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When you tell your doctor you're not interested in injected HGH and that you are going to be looking into alternative HGH therapies what do think his/her response will be? A stern look of disbelief? Or that "Are you sure you want to do that?" look. Now you might feel bad. Why? After all, your doctor is the expert... Conventional thought is the fact that "experts" often have more difficulty than others admitting their mistakes because being wrong on a major issue would be viewed by some, as invalidating their status as an expert.

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Now factor-in the inordinate pressure to confirm that dominates the conservative fields of science and medicine. In these circles, moving away from the consensus places your hard-earned reputation and status in jeopardy. In fact, a doctor or scientist who moves away from the safety of the intellectual community risks being branded a quack - a devastating stigma for someone who has spent tremendous amounts of time, energy, and dollars in an effort to establish the opposite status.

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Dr. Linus Pauling, who argued that Vitamin C helps prevent sickness and disease and recommended multi-gram doses, the only living recipient of two Nobel Prizes found himself unable to get his exceedingly important article "Solution to the Puzzle of Human Cardiovascular Disease" published. Instead, this article, concerning the leading cause of death in the civilized world, written by one of the great scientists of the twentieth century, was published in an obscure journal with a tiny circulation of about 500. Hundreds of studies have since confirmed that levels of Vitamin C substantially higher than the RDA are indeed lifesaving. However, even now, doctors cling to the idea that the nutritional intake of Vitamin C above minimal levels affords no benefit whatsoever. As a society we have paid a horrific price for this type of close-minded fixation on preferred theories and treatments.

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A more recent instance relates to the homocysteine theory of heart disease. The homocysteine theory holds that heart disease is caused, in large part, by sub-optimal intake of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid. What is regarded today as a breakthrough in heart disease has in fact been around since the early 1970's, when Dr. Kilmer McCulley first advanced the theory. Scientific journals are filled with studies (hundreds) indicating the value of increasing intake of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid to help lower homocysteine levels.2,3 These simple vitamins can help save thousands of lives yet the public only got wind of it more than a quarter-century later, after countless millions of people have died of heart disease. We are not diminishing the amazing and wonderful treatments that have been developed by the pharmaceutical/medical establishment. It's not objectionable that almost every medical innovation has carried the potential to enrich doctors and drug companies. What is objectionable, and inexcusable, is the way in which potentially helpful information about alternative HGH treatments that offer no profit potential to the establishment have been suppressed and ignored. Time-honoured misconceptions and prejudices continue, and ignorance and arrogance sustain each other while forming a barrier in the acceptance of new alternative ideas. It is largely for this reason that doctors more readily prescribe expensive drugs of questionable efficacy than recommend less expensive alternative medicines that have proven to be effective.
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